Dog-li-ness: Happy "Gotcha Day" Pinky!, 2008-Oct-8, by Lisa B: One year ago today a little Puppy McNugget showed up at my house. ... I'm not sure exactly when she was born (around the end of August as near as I can figure), so ..., I celebrate Pinky's "Gotcha Day." ... I'm still not sure how she's going to shape up, but I can report that we're making great progress ... but slowly. ... Right now I have her in a class we're just calling "Agility Training Group." It's designed for young dogs with handlers who have already trained an agility dog and don't feel like spending time learning the difference between a front cross and a rear cross with the newbies. ... When I decided to keep her, I really had no idea whether she'd become a good agility dog or not. Really, aside from a health care plan, the main reason I maintain a steady job is to be able to consistently afford dog agility (I try to have a little something left over for housing, transportation and food, of course).